Patung Pemuda Membangun

Bunderan Senayan. Taken on August, 30th 2012

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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When I Was...

Posted on English Club by Camelia on December 11, 2012

I'm holding on your picture and remembering those times when...

When I was a baby of one year old, you were feeding me, cleaning me and I thanked you...
by crying all night!

When I was almost two years old, you were helping me to walk and I thanked you...
by escaping from you when you were calling me!

When I was three years old, you were preparing food to me with all your love, and I thanked you...
by throwing down my dish!

When I was four years old, you were giving me pens and color pens to learn writing and drawing, and I thanked you...
by writing and drawing on home walls!

When I was five years old, you were wearing me the best clothes you could buy, and I thanked you...
by feeling ashamed between kids!

When I was seven years old, you gave me a ball to play with, and I thanked you...
by breaking house windows and furniture!

When I was eight years old, you cooked a cake for me, and I thanked you...
by making my dress dirty with it!

When I was nine years old, you bought me story books, and I thanked you...
by ripping them!

When I was eleven years old, you were taking me to the zoo, and I thanked you...
by having fun with my friends all time!

When I was thirteen years old, you advised me not to put make up, and I thanked you...
by saying: "You don't know much about mode!"

When I was fifteen years old, you asked me about my friends fearing for me and I thanked you...
by shouting: "It's not your business!"

Oh my! Why I'm being so mean like this!
That's not me!!

OK, let's continue... But, I don't want! You do it if you want... When I was twenty... Huh! Carry on!

My feelings are controlling me and my tears are not stopping from falling down... I'm going to my mother to ask her to forgive me and to thank her...
by kissing and hugging her!


Doesn't it make your eyes teary after reading this? All those heartbreaks that your mom had, the messes you have created... There must be some guilty feeling inside, huh? :D Well, just a little help to make you feel a bit relieve, those things are normal things to do for children and some of the things mentioned up there can grow the seeds of creativity in you, for example drawing all the home walls. And... who doesn't make their dresses dirty when they cook? So are you feeling better now? :D Anyways, it is a good reminder of your mom, isn't it?

For every mothers, Happy Mother's day!

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First Attempt on Photoshop

Years ago I tried to edit a photo using photoshop with a tutorial I have found on internet. Here it is, my first attempt. This photo was taken in 2009, few days after Eid, at Kota Tua. You might see the museum behind.

So what do you think? I was quite proud with it lol. Not bad for one who is not familiar with photoshop eh? :p I am going to do more later after I found a good pic and an easy tutorial to follow :D

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Did You Know?

Sometimes we feel alone. Alone and lonely, like you don't have someone to rely on. Like no one is by your side or no one is there for you when you need them. Lonely in heart, is much worse than lonely in physical as you really are alone with no one is around. 
(Geez, I searched for a pic in google images for "lonely" and it shows too many depressing pics lol. I don't want to spend too much time picking on a pic there as so not to get infected with the "dark feeling" of being lonely lol)
This is what I meant with lonely in physical. Alone. Being alone like this is not always bad, because sometimes we need it. We need to take a break from everything: life, work, traffic jam, people, everything! Here you can ease your mind, relax and enjoy your time doing whatever you like.
Lonely in heart is like in the pic above. You are in the crowd, but somehow feeling lonely and don't feel the love from people around you nor feel being loved by them. Something is missing inside your heart and you want it to be filled. But how? A company of a friend or people you love might work. Well it work most of the time actually.
And here is the one million dollar question. Do you know people who love you and care for you? Do you know to whom you will go for when you are feeling lonely? Some people just don't realize that they are loved so they do not know where to go when they are feeling lonely.
So, can you answer my question?
Do you know who really love and care for you to be with you and accompany you in your alone and lonely mode?

If you can answer and you are sure with it then be happy. Be grateful for having them around you. Now that you know there are people who love and care for you, you can set your priority for them. Do not take them for granted. They might not always be by yourside forever, so use your time well while they are still around. Should you forget their birthday, it's ok but don't let that hold you from sending them a belated birthday wishes. Well, do your best for those who love you for they might have also done their best for you, always try to bring you up whenever you are down, support you, and help you to let the best out of you.
Be grateful for what you have. Cherish it. Cherish every moments with them.

Update on Oct 20th:
Thought I need to clarify this: I am not talking about me in this blog. People who have read this have asked me why did I write it and was I feeling lonely. :D :D Dude, let me tell ya, it is not about me. I wrote it as a reminder that there are people to whom we can share our feelings, who is always there for us and willing to help us. 

Well, good thing is this blog at least has helped me to find out to whom I can be certain of ;)

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Soon to be... ME!

Ever thought one day you will lose yourself somehow and you are being someone new? Someone you never knew and someone you never wanted to be. You restrict yourself. You don't feel at ease meeting new people. You don't even feel comfortable at being you! You don't hang out often. You pull yourself from people around. You hide from them and even if you meet them you take distance. But hey, don't know why I feel like I can change to be the old me!! Yup, the real me. ME! ^_^

I may have to learn to be me bit by bit until eventually I will become the one that I know. A person I am familiar and enjoy to be with. I can't wait! ^_^ Even I can feel a bit of the old myself now writing it down :D I can feel the emotion! ^_^ I can't wait to be free from what hold me all this time whatever that is lol.

Why does it need time? Well, have you ever heard a story about an elephant and a rope? When the elephant was still a little, it was tied with a rope and it could not let itself go though it was trying hard. Then the elephant stopped trying knowing its effort has turned to nothing though with its power after it has grew older and bigger, it could break the rope and run away. So it is more to mentality problem. The same as mine. I have believed this and that for some time. This is why I need time to change my mentality as well which is not so easy and I need to be reminded time by time.

Well... let's start it now. Let's start it today. Let's be me. You should also be who you are. In time we will see you as a free and a happy girl.

Look at her. She look pretty doesn't she? That is because she looks happy. I feel peace when I see her and it reminds me a bit of how I want to be when I am old. To be happy and pretty lol. She also reminded me of my late grandmother who has passed away.

A happy girl is the prettiest. That is what I always believe. :)

don't stop being you because you are wonderful.

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Pics I've Taken

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Dream Plan to Korea!

I sent an sms to Brit this evening: 
“Hey, there is a blog writing contest where I have to write about things I want to do/see/hear in Korea, but since yesterday I got stuck. Have no idea L” 

Her reply: 
“Pff... All I can remember about Korea is only about those girl/boybands and plastic surgery LOL” 

:D :D :D

Well, you have a reason, but I guess you will need to read my blog after I finished writing it down. Korea is not only about that. There are many other things like ever heard about Jeju Island? I heard this island is so beautiful. Oh well, let’s start writing then. You just gave me an idea how to tell things about what I want to do in Korea.

So Brit, let say that we will go together to Korea this October. Let me tell you, October is autumn in Korea. Oh that would be great for an Indonesian like us who have only experienced two seasons in a year: dry and rainy season. Actually, since we both have never been abroad so those are the only two seasons we have ever experienced in our whole life :p Anyways, what is in your mind after hearing the word autumn?

As for me, this image is what comes in my mind about autumn. Beautiful isn’t it?

Therefore, to witness this beauty of autumn as in the above pic I suggest we visit Seoraksan and let’s hike!! I read an article about Seoraksan and one sentence really provoke me to hike there.
However, when autumn comes around, the scenery of Seoraksan's tallest mountain peak, 'Daecheaongbong (1,708m)', and Seoraksan's other main hiking routes seem to be gloriously painted in bright colors.
That sounds wonderful and promising, doesn’t it? I can’t wait to be there :s 

Ok, next thing we do is go to Lotte World. Nope, it is not a typo, it is not Lotte Mart. Lotte World is an amusement park. Yup, you read me. Nope, we won’t amuse ourselves by shopping till drop since I said it is not the same as Lotte Mart where we can buy things :P Lotte World equals Disneyland equals Dufan in Indonesia, well... more or less. It is an amusement park. Got that? Ok, then once we got there let’s try their roller coaster! I have never ride this ever before, but I am willing to take the risk LOL. Let’s push our adrenalin, be crazy and have fun! (Though I know I might vomit after I ride that roller coaster :D )

Oh guess what? We can also get to know more about Korean culture and history in Lotte World! :O They have a history exhibition hall where we can see how Korea was in old days. They also have a miniatur village there which are showing the scenes of royal court procedures, new year’s day, ceremonial events and else. What a surprise.  We can have fun and have knowledge too here. Cool eh? Btw, do you think I can use my Lotte Mart card to get a discount price in this Lotte World? :D 

Next is we will go to Bukchon. Whoa-what is-why? Well, Bukchon is a traditional Korean village. This place is keeping their originality and we can see that clearly from their traditional houses and crafts. Sightseeing in Bukchon would be interesting and hope we would feel the nostalgic :D

Hmm.. Hey what if we do more than just sightseeing? What if... we spend few days at one of those Korean traditional houses?! There are guest houses which offer not only a place to stay, but also cultural experiences! We’ll stay there for the rest of our visit in Korea. That sounds great, no?

So how is my plan so far? Hiking in Seoraksan, visiting Lotte World to ride a roller coasters and getting to know more about their history and culture, then sightseeing in Bukchon and maybe staying in one of those traditional houses for a day or two to have a cultural experience. I bet after this, at least what you will remember about Korea are how pretty the color of the leaves are in Seoraksan in autumn or how to live like a Korean in their traditional house.

I wrote this to a blog writing contest as I mentioned above. More info follow this link. Wish me luck and hope I will be one of the winner because then I will get the chance to feel autumn season for the first time in my life :D

Update on Oct 12, 2012
Thanks for reading and also your support dear friends!! ^_^ But I failed! :D They have announced the winners and as predicted I failed lol.  Dang! Now I lost my chance to witness autumn in South Korea :(

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Facebook No More

It has been a month since I deactivated my facebook account on August 18th. A month is the longest time for me and it feels like it is a big achievement LOL. I spent too many hours on the site having a comment war or a chit chat on a comment box with friends or playing games. Well mostly I am there to play games. I am a game freak, I play almost every game. From planting seeds to cooking them for my own restaurant or finding a treasure. Yeah I know, they might not as cool as games you play, but rather than nothing it was a good time killer :p

Not really free from facebook actually. I still keep one account for my online friends because it is easier to be in touch with them trough facebook, but this time I managed not to spend too much time by playing games. I go there just to check on the notification and messages. After that rituals, I close the site.

Now that I am no longer on facebook and speaking of time killer, I can chat chat chat! 
A good way to spend time to meet people and widen your knowledge. I use to chat in a language learning chat site so another good thing is I can practice my English. I forgot how did I finally find the site, but it seemed like Google again has led me the way. Oh have I mentioned the name of the site? It's Sharedtalk.

In that site, not only I can practice my English, but also my French. It didn't work well though since I hang out too much in English room and I realized that my French level is not so good so it is hard for me to survive in French room :( Hehe, what a shame for someone who has spent years learning French huh? 

FYI, Sharedtalk has plenty of specific rooms for the languages such as English, French, Arabic, Japanese, Hindi, Thai and many more. It has a lot of members so it will be easy to find someone to practice with. It will be an ideal condition if for exemple I met a French who is interested in bahasa Indonesia so I get help and I help others. Take and give.

The site is kind of like a small world in a form of a website where everybody from around the world gather, communicate and share stories. Hmm... stories. Few days ago there was a man who had a monologue about her girlfriend. I said monologue because he almost ignored others comments. He was unstoppable and kept continue sharing story about her with repetitive sentences like "I was like ..., and she was like ..." It went quite long after he finally ended it. Pfiuh... 

Well, that was just another story happened in Sharedtalk.

Update on Sept 23rd:
I reactivated my fb again for a blog writing contest. Hope it is a good thing that I did this :s I am a bit worried actually, I thought I would never come back. Well at least not so soon and especially not after I wrote a blog telling I have left fb LOL 

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I often read word "secarik" being followed with "kertas". "Secarik kertas". A piece of paper. But I read this:

I wonder what does it mean "secarik langit biru" in that sentence. Does it mean "a piece of blue sky"? Doesn't that sound a bit weird? Sky has pieces? Now I need to find out and make sure about its meaning on KBBI.

Here is what I found on

So from the definition on that link, I concluded that the use "secarik" in a sentence "secarik langit biru" is not a correct usage.

Hmm, I wonder if this blog has made me as a grammar nazi now...

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There Is a First Time for Everything

And it's my first time to be here as a blogger. Yay me! ^_^
Finally I am done with this and ready to write blogs or for now I think I will just copy some blogs I have written somewhere before and publish it here hehe... 
Oh well, it can wait. I will fill this page later since it is 02.04 a.m. already and I better have a rest before sahoor :s

Nighty night, ciao!

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