Patung Pemuda Membangun

Bunderan Senayan. Taken on August, 30th 2012

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First Attempt on Photoshop

Years ago I tried to edit a photo using photoshop with a tutorial I have found on internet. Here it is, my first attempt. This photo was taken in 2009, few days after Eid, at Kota Tua. You might see the museum behind.

So what do you think? I was quite proud with it lol. Not bad for one who is not familiar with photoshop eh? :p I am going to do more later after I found a good pic and an easy tutorial to follow :D

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Did You Know?

Sometimes we feel alone. Alone and lonely, like you don't have someone to rely on. Like no one is by your side or no one is there for you when you need them. Lonely in heart, is much worse than lonely in physical as you really are alone with no one is around. 
(Geez, I searched for a pic in google images for "lonely" and it shows too many depressing pics lol. I don't want to spend too much time picking on a pic there as so not to get infected with the "dark feeling" of being lonely lol)
This is what I meant with lonely in physical. Alone. Being alone like this is not always bad, because sometimes we need it. We need to take a break from everything: life, work, traffic jam, people, everything! Here you can ease your mind, relax and enjoy your time doing whatever you like.
Lonely in heart is like in the pic above. You are in the crowd, but somehow feeling lonely and don't feel the love from people around you nor feel being loved by them. Something is missing inside your heart and you want it to be filled. But how? A company of a friend or people you love might work. Well it work most of the time actually.
And here is the one million dollar question. Do you know people who love you and care for you? Do you know to whom you will go for when you are feeling lonely? Some people just don't realize that they are loved so they do not know where to go when they are feeling lonely.
So, can you answer my question?
Do you know who really love and care for you to be with you and accompany you in your alone and lonely mode?

If you can answer and you are sure with it then be happy. Be grateful for having them around you. Now that you know there are people who love and care for you, you can set your priority for them. Do not take them for granted. They might not always be by yourside forever, so use your time well while they are still around. Should you forget their birthday, it's ok but don't let that hold you from sending them a belated birthday wishes. Well, do your best for those who love you for they might have also done their best for you, always try to bring you up whenever you are down, support you, and help you to let the best out of you.
Be grateful for what you have. Cherish it. Cherish every moments with them.

Update on Oct 20th:
Thought I need to clarify this: I am not talking about me in this blog. People who have read this have asked me why did I write it and was I feeling lonely. :D :D Dude, let me tell ya, it is not about me. I wrote it as a reminder that there are people to whom we can share our feelings, who is always there for us and willing to help us. 

Well, good thing is this blog at least has helped me to find out to whom I can be certain of ;)

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Soon to be... ME!

Ever thought one day you will lose yourself somehow and you are being someone new? Someone you never knew and someone you never wanted to be. You restrict yourself. You don't feel at ease meeting new people. You don't even feel comfortable at being you! You don't hang out often. You pull yourself from people around. You hide from them and even if you meet them you take distance. But hey, don't know why I feel like I can change to be the old me!! Yup, the real me. ME! ^_^

I may have to learn to be me bit by bit until eventually I will become the one that I know. A person I am familiar and enjoy to be with. I can't wait! ^_^ Even I can feel a bit of the old myself now writing it down :D I can feel the emotion! ^_^ I can't wait to be free from what hold me all this time whatever that is lol.

Why does it need time? Well, have you ever heard a story about an elephant and a rope? When the elephant was still a little, it was tied with a rope and it could not let itself go though it was trying hard. Then the elephant stopped trying knowing its effort has turned to nothing though with its power after it has grew older and bigger, it could break the rope and run away. So it is more to mentality problem. The same as mine. I have believed this and that for some time. This is why I need time to change my mentality as well which is not so easy and I need to be reminded time by time.

Well... let's start it now. Let's start it today. Let's be me. You should also be who you are. In time we will see you as a free and a happy girl.

Look at her. She look pretty doesn't she? That is because she looks happy. I feel peace when I see her and it reminds me a bit of how I want to be when I am old. To be happy and pretty lol. She also reminded me of my late grandmother who has passed away.

A happy girl is the prettiest. That is what I always believe. :)

don't stop being you because you are wonderful.

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